External validation and the quest for self-worth

This Isn't Therapy... it's an episode about seeking validation (online). Are we becoming obsessed with our quest for constant reassurance, approval, and external validation? Piggy backing off last week's episode on narcism, Jake and Simon explore the sugar high that comes with too much external affirmation and how this weird, wacky, online world is eroding our sense of self. But is it vain to want a compliment? How can I become a more secure and confident person? Is it bad to want to look to others for approval? Or is that...survival? All this and more on this week's juicy, juicy episode!

Got a quandary, query, or question? Submit your Q (anonymously) to Asking For A Friend...

VOX Article: Validate Me, Please! by Allie Volpe

Hello, hi! Validate us by...
Following us on Instagram: @notatherapypodcast⁣
Following us on TikTok: @notatherapypodcast
Jake Ernst: @mswjake
Simon Paluck: @directedbysimon

Original music composed by Kat Burns and performed by KASHKA.
External validation and the quest for self-worth
Broadcast by